1.0 概述Summary NTC热敏电阻是一种负温度系数电阻器,其阻值随环境温度的升高而降低,这种热敏电阻是由2种或4种铁、镍、钴、锰或铜的金属氧化物经过成型并在高温下烧结而制得。 NTC Thermistor is a Negative Temperature Coefficient Resistor whose resistance changes with ambient temperature changes. Thermistor comprises 2 or 4 kinds of metal oxides of iron, nickel, cobalt,manganese and copper, being shaped and sintered at high temperature. 2.0 结构及尺寸Structure And Dimensions (1).外形图Outline Fig 椭圆: NTC 5D-9(2).标记Mark (3).外形尺寸Shape and Dimension :(unit :mm) DMAX W±1.0 TMAX Фd±0.05 11.5 5.0 5.0 0.8 3.0型号规格表示方法How to Order NTC 5 D – 9 NTC —NTC热敏电阻器(NTC Thermistor) 5 —标称电阻为5Ω(Resistance Value:5Ω) D – 9 —产品芯片较大直径为Ф9 mm(Diameter of Chip:Ф9 mm) 4.0电气性能Performance Specification 项目 Item 性能要求 Specification request 1.标称电阻(25℃±1℃) Resistance Value 5Ω±20% 2.较大稳态电流(25℃) Max Steady State Current 3 A 3.热时间常数 Thermal Time Constant 35S 4.耗散系数 Thermal Dissipation Constant 11 mW/℃ 5.工作温度 OperationRange -40℃~+125℃ 5.0可靠性Reliability data 项目 Item 试验条件 Test conditions 性能要求 Specification request 1.引出端强度 leads terminal tensile strength 在引出端一边施加1.0kg拉力,10秒 Rasten body with a load applied to each1.0kg for 10 sec. 无可见损伤 电阻变化率:±20% No break out and damage Resistance change:within±20% 2.引出端变曲强度 leads terminal bend strength 固定电阻体,在一根引出端悬挂0.5kg重力变曲90°;然后再回复,再把方向弯曲90°, Fixed body and hang0.5kg on one terminal, bend 90°them back,again in opposite 无可见损伤 电阻变化率:±20% No break out and damage Resistance change:within±20% 3.振动 vibration 频率:10~50Hz 振幅:1.55mm 方向和时间:X、Y及Z轴各2小时 Frequency:10~50Hz Amplitude modulation:1.55mm Dirction and time:X、Y and Z direction for 2 hrs each 无机械损伤 No substantial damage 4.可焊性 Solderability 焊锡槽 温 度:235±5℃ Temperature:235±5℃ 时 间:3S Time